Posted: June 8, 2018 in Uncategorized

If you are my supporter and want me to succeed in my leadership drive toward 2020 and beyond, don’t hesitate to tell me the blunt truth. If I goofed or throw some gaffs point it out immediately and ensure I take note, that’s how to build strong leaders.

A way

With understanding, moderation, balance of thought, deductive reasoning, strong character, clear and transparent opinion, serene disposition, good listening ability are key for driving home strong message of shaping the leadership space and changing the narratives. It is my intention in 2020 to contest in one of the constituencies in the country. Pray for me and support me.

Those you love, you should be chastised.

Few days ago, US President Trump wrote a letter to the North Korean Leader Kim Jung-Un to cancel their planned meeting in Singapore. To God who made me, I saw nothing wrong with that letter and even liked the syntax. Until some Americans decided to mark it as if it were an exam script in use of English. Many versions circulate on the internet, but this is the one I like best. Now in hindsight, I agree that Trump’s letter had issues. My youthful friends aspiring to be writers should please take note of the corrections marked in red.

Trump Image 2

Photo credit: Ryan Sheffield’s corrected version of Trump’s letter

I laughed so hard my head hurts. But America is in no place to correct English as a Language. We have so many versions of spoken English in the World; we just speak as we like it. May be as the most hated president in the history of mankind, and so deserve, should be extra careful.

English language started as a mash up and miss spellings of trade languages of Dutch, German and Celtic…. so I will not use proper grammar it’s detrimental to the future progression of language! President Trump is a classic example where you don’t have to be top of the class to become leader of the free world…… If it’s genuine, at least he wrote it himself. Not like our politicians who waste millions of shillings on speech writers because they are too thick or illiterate to compose their own. The point of grammar is to be clearly understood, that the President of a foreign country uses language so inarticulately is troublesome because it means we think we know what he meant but can’t be sure.

Trump image

Michelle Huete gave the President a D for his efforts as shown above

Surprisingly, I don’t expect my president (HE Dr. Magufuli) to have perfect spelling and grammar. Demanding such really show the elitism shining through the libs. I expect the president to do the job he said he would.

President Lincolns Gettysburg address was once put into a grammatical program…it failed also.  So the point is…writing is good if it gets the point across.  Don’t worry about the semantics…

Twitter: nor_abdul

Terms and Conditions

Posted: May 4, 2018 in Uncategorized

I have listened and read adverts and promos that end with this statement ‘terms and conditions apply’. Though I have come across these severally, I never take that so serious as to make it a principle until the recent political dispensation which blames everything on many things.

The ruling party was voted by Tanzanians to ‘salvage’ the country but neither the party nor Tanzanians defined the terms and conditions for the government to bring the positive change the people desire. If from the onset, conditions such as possible fall in cooking oil and sugar prices many others were considered, either CCM will have opted out of the desire to rule or Tanzanians sought different party to salvage the system. Now, everybody blames everything on something because we did not define the conditions for the change and people expectations were just beyond the possible. I think may be President Magufuli has a good intention for his people but his intention goes slowly when you see hardship and poverty among Tanzanians growing up rather than decreasing.


Having said the above, I want to state as a principle that in all our engagements, agreements and contracts, we should expect, and thus, try to find out the terms and conditions. I observe that many times we enter into agreements and engagements without understanding or seeking to understand the terms or conditions applied. In such cases, when it fails, we are left with nothing than assumptions that they existed on did not, playing assumptions in our favour.

When we fail to consider the terms and conditions at outset, it is either that we do not know what we are going into or someone knows and deliberately hides it so as to manipulate on ignorance. If you were to choose a school for your kids, find out terms and conditions. If you will partner with someone, define the terms and conditions. Even in friendship, define your boundaries, leave nothing to assumptions. As far as it is a relationship, an agreement, a contract and a business, define terms and conditions and understand them clearly.


I have been raising an observation but everybody is busy without listening, in fact I don’t know where any government that will be voted into power will get money to fulfill all promises both are making. Me I am not surprise with what is happening because those promises were not realistic/unattainable.

I think the terms and conditions were actually given by the CCM campaign team just that most Tanzanians never really analyze it otherwise or perhaps alot wouldn’t have gone with the agreement. To my own understanding of the terms and conditions given by the campaigner is as this, the terms can be taken as the promises to take or transform our nation to a much more better place and the only condition for such to happen is by giving them our desired votes which of course it was given. So next time when one going into an agreement or contract, please try and analyze the terms and conditions given otherwise you might be heading for a one chance vehicle.

Please never assume.

Twitter: noor_abdul

We should be colonized again.

Posted: March 16, 2018 in Uncategorized

The unfolding diplomatic row between the UK and Russia will help you understand how backward we are in Tanzania, and why England should colonize us again. Say what you will, but I’m convinced beyond doubt that our independence from British rule in 1961 was premature. If we need to tax ourselves to pay for recolonization, I don’t mind paying my share.

Nearly two weeks ago, Sergei Skripal, a former Russian spy living in England, was poisoned along with his daughter by suspected Russian agents. Both are alive, though critically ill and receiving treatment. It was passers-by who alerted the police to Skripal’s dazed state on a public bench. Doctors immediately suspected poisoning, which led to police sealing parts of the neighbourhood as “crime scenes”.

Lab tests and CCTV footage would later point to two suspects who apparently smeared the victim’s car door-handle with “Novichok”, a deadly nerve gas developed in Russia during the Cold War. The British obviously learnt from experience. In 2006, another Russian at odds with the Kremlin was poisoned to death in London with radioactive Polonium by two Russian agents identified by UK authorities.

Compare that to Lissu who was shot as he was returning home from a parliamentary session in Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania. Gunmen sprayed his car with as many as 32 bullets, hitting him five times, in the stomach, arm and leg. Lissu was rushed to the local hospital in critical condition and, once stable, airlifted to Nairobi for the best care and protection.

Just imagine a barely literate bunch of “unknown people” drove truck into his home in a secure area in Dodoma, in a neighborhood with other MPs and government ministers, which presumably would have been difficult for gunmen to enter. He was attacked by men with machine guns who escaped in their truck. He was not robbed, suggesting that their intent was to kill him. It is more than six months now no any progress. And the government still searches for suspect! This is a senseless act of violence.

Security is all-encompassing. Human intelligence, electronic intelligence, community policing, and forensic labs, are all parts of security. But we ignore them to the delight of criminals and then scramble police to search for them. If the U.K. had taken this path, I’m sure those Russian poisons won’t have been detected, and thousands would have died of poisoning in London and Salisbury.

Tundu Lissu showed how Tanzania is governed badly under CCM. Lissu showed how we can determine criminals. Police may allow citizens to foil their escape, but don’t count on a prompt response by the Tanzania Police or civil defence. They would be busy guarding VIPs.

Yes, Rome was not built in a day. But Rome was also not built in a million years, which is the rate at which we are going. Shamefully, our leaders have been to Rome and London and seen their standards. Our system favours them, so they won’t change it. Since life is all about self-preservation, I call on the U.K. Government to please colonize Tanzania once again to ensure my safety. I’m willing to pay for it.

Twitter @noor_abdul


Posted: February 27, 2018 in Uncategorized

I stand in deep thought and in pain,
Thinking how to set my words in language plain,
With the memories coming in floods,
How we were people that with conscience stood.

And now we watch as our humanity withers away,
With every wrong act we condone or words we say,
Till we are numbed in to submission,
Resigning our fates to unreason.


A land can thrive in unbelief,
But injustice is a mite too far,
Authority must it’s hand extend to bring relief,
Or society’s very existence it does mar.

Twitter: @noor_abdul


I don’t know why our politicians have a very very short memory. It’s now the season for our politicians decamping to the ruling party to either enable them to get their share of the national cake or they are moving to save their assets.

So, that you are tearing your hair out because some opposition people are cross-carpeting to CCM, what are you thinking? That the CCM is different from the oppositions? That the CCM is the party you voted in to clean up what you consider the mess of their own? That the cross-carpeting opposition politicians are about to sabotage the good governance and development you were sure to enjoy under the CCM government you voted for? C’mon, wake up! The Tanzanian politicians have had you! Whether in khaki, “gamba” or suit, they’ve been having you since then! When you grow up or when you grow a little wisdom, you will stop your “Wailing Wailers” routine and face up to the reality that you are not going anywhere fast as a nation with the characters you have elected at every level in Tanzania today. Oh, not that there’s no hope; but that hope will start manifesting only when you, the young thinking people begin to understand what your role is in claiming your future for yourself. Democracy is not a tea party; no one has prepared a banquet for you to walk in to enjoy. It’s a do-it-yourself form of government and when you don’t do what you have to do as a vigilant citizen, you get served shit and you grub it up happily and even ask for more!

I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time. People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden tragedy.

When opposition converts to CCM you escape being probed or investigated and become Saint. I hail politicians in Tanzania. All the saints are marching on…

In the case in point, there are two major political parties. Neither is free of corrupt people but one has been able to exhibit exemplary leadership and produced some results in the past so let’s do a bit more of constructive criticism. Maybe eventually, we will be able to prune the bad ones out of them otherwise we float a new party that will be devoid of all these bad people and support the party till it becomes formidable enough to contest elections in Tanzania. We all know CCM is not a party of mostly saints!

Truly life is a journey!

Twitter: noor_abdul

Happy New Year to you all friends!

My only New Year resolution is a trip to Chidilo village (Bahi district) to greet my biological son in the ended year 2017. Unexpected delays in development in most parts of the country over the past years would be deleted if we had leaders who care about the situation of their citizens.

I was traveling and could only imagine Mr. President’s New Year message. I must agree with my friends from Bihawana, Chidilo and Bahi constituency in general complaining all day long that they have been short-changed in their area of infrastructure projects despite their overwhelming support for JPM/CCM and their MP Hon. Omar Badwel in 2015.

If roads will crisscross Tanzania through so many constituencies, then excluding Bahi Constituency doesn’t make sense considering their agricultural activities and livestock keeping. I hope this error will be rectified. My interest in rural transformation stems from the fact that commercialization of agriculture and livestock will increase production and productivity and create surplus.

I was saddened by the readings of our dear President’s New Year Tweet saying “I urge you to continue to maintain peace, love, solidarity, and work hard for our efforts and knowledge for our nation’s development in order to build a New Tanzania”.Our poor rural people, if you do not rehabilitate road infrastructure so they can easily travel and transport their crops, have the assurance of getting clean and safe water, confident with health care these people can see President’s new year greetings for his citizens has targeted people of other places not theirs.

It is high time voices should be raised and all the other past legislators from that area should cover their heads in shame for keeping quiet when their people are crying.

What an iron! Chidilo’s youth have matched objective in analyzing issues that has inspired me as a Tanzanian citizen especially the youth to shake off the culture of silence and speak out for truth and justice. Chidilo circle is indebted to the standing by it in the heat of their newly struggle. The way they amplified their voice to me from since I knew them back in 2015 is highly commendable. I hope and pray for a more intimate rapport and fruitful collaboration with them as we face the challenges of 2018 they have proven to be a true patriot in the struggle for their right and good governance.

The major problems faced by the people in the constituency are mainly of drinking water and pot holed roads. Majority of the areas of the constituency are far major hospitals of the General Hospital and Mvumi Hospital. However, some residents want dispensaries in their localities so that minor ailments are taken care off in their respective localities at the dispensaries. The residents said that they have no medical dispensary in the area to deal with the minor health problem. “The area is far to Mvumi Hospital but we need a dispensary to take care of minor health problems for the area. We have told the authorities about our demand but they didn’t pay any attention”.

Chidilo residents said that their roads are in dilapidated condition and they face severe drinking water crisis. Mr. Chedego, a local resident, said that they approached the Village authorities with their problem but it was not addressed.

Their roads are full of pot holes and they are not being repaired. When they approached the authorities they didn’t respond. During rainy season travelling upto main roads becomes difficult for them. They start their journey from Chidilo at 4:30am and reach Dodoma Municipal by 7am due to bad road. Normally, they would cover the distance in 45 minutes if there were a sustainable road. If Bihawana road is repaired the problem will be partly solved but Government doesn’t bother.

These villagers also said they have a problem with access to safe water especially during the summer because the dams that depend on go dry. “We have a significant shortage of access to water in our localities but during the rainy season the water enters our homes.

The resident says that they have no tape water since the Tanganyika independence. All the residents in the locality store drinking water in jerrycanes as the water tankers to the locality on alternate days. It is not sufficient as they have to use this water for cooking, bathing and washing clothes. This problem is for several years now. They don’t see any solution as the authorities say that they have no funds. They were promised by the MP that area will get water but it has so far remained a promise only.

Dams that are used to provide water are natural dams that they share with animals such as cattle, goats, sheep and donkeys. Their MP Hon. Omar Badwel has turned his backs on; the village government is equal to absence. The one day I stayed in the village to talk to relatives and friends expressed their frustration with their lives. They do not dream of getting electricity even for the next 20 years.

Let me conclude the article by asking the government officials what Dodoma’s residents (especially Bahi Constituency) have done wrong? Why not be given priority at-least as a Region where Chama Cha Mapinduzi, the dominant and longest reigning ruling party which has been chosen all the time with these residents since the restoration of the multi-party system?

In conclusion I will tell you that I’ve learned five leadership rules since November 5, 2015

  1. Honesty is good for leaders, but only if shared with aides who act in their names. An honest leader detecting dishonest aides should not turn a blind eye. Either he sacks them, or they praise his legacy.
  2. A leader should fulfill his promises. Economic hardship can scuttle some promises, but there is no excuse for him trading some opposition idiot leaders when he condemned that when seeking office.
  3. A leader should have suitable plans and programs while preparing for office. A leader with majority support taking 2 months to form a cabinet has created his own problems.
  4. A leader must have good PR staff to communicate effectively with his people and the outside world. He could be the best of leaders, but a bad PR team could make him worse just from their blunders.
  5. A leader needs listening ears through all avenues, including petitions and even gossip. That is the only way to know if his aides cheat the poor who elected him or his well-intended policies cause suffering in the land.

For this few words I wish us all a memorable 2018 year filled with determination and success.

Twitter: noor_abdul


Posted: December 13, 2017 in Uncategorized

My dear readers,

The world is a multi-floor dwelling place, where someone’s floor is the roof over somebody’s head. For the sake of peace, civility, and the good old ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you,’ avoid floor-stomping when you occupy a higher floor. Being a rotating and revolving earth, time and tide sometimes move some people from upper to lower floors and others from lower to upper floors. Even empires and civilizations have risen and fallen, because no man, nation, or culture could halt the march of time. Occasionally, those who breach the bridge after crossing to the other side of life, have no means of retreating if adversities strike at their end. We could all co-exist peaceably with bits of open-mindedness.

Twitter: @noor_abdul

On our adventure to nationhood, the history of our nation cannot forget people like Mwl. Nyerere, Oscar Kambona, Bibi Titi Mohammed and host of others who risked and put their lives on the line to secure independence for this nation from the hands of the colonial master. The Independence came as earlier as projected by the independence agitators and the founding fathers. None of them ever envisaged that the nation that they fought, suffered, imprisoned and died for with all their investment will turn out to be what it is today. Tanzania of today is not the dream of our founding fathers.

The journey to nationhood was exciting and adventurous, but the irony of our nation is like the biblical King Solomon who was the wisest in his day, who kept so much for the future generation of his children but never occurred to him that the subsequent generation will squander all he laboured for. Today our nation is free from external colonialism and now found itself in the hand of internal colonial masters.

To the surprise of everyone, our nation has taken fifty six (56) steps forward and hundred (100) steps backward in this adventure to nationhood. As I personally scramble through the continents of the world, it shocked and beat my imagination that nations that started their journey to nationhood after our beloved nation Tanzania have gone ahead of us, their journey from under-developed nations to developing and finally developed nation or what we can categorize as the first world nation. Nations like Singapore, China, Korea, Japan, Malaysia and Indian are classified as first world nations today and as at the time of Tanzania independence they are in the same group of third world nation like us, what is actually the problem of our nation? What went wrong?

Immediately after the independence, there was a spectrum of joy and high aspiration from the leaders and the citizen that our nation will rise and rise, shine brighter until it become the pride of other nations. Unfortunately it was the opposite we found out to be the result, leadership failure, lack of capacity and their selfishness, unpatriotic attitude on the part of the citizen led our nation to this pitiable state today. Our political system, health sector, educational system, aviation, roads, housing, Agriculture and every facet of our national life is in shamble today.

Politicians failed to live up to the expectation messed up this country; When the opposition intervened in the governance thinking things will work better not knowing that their intervention was one of the greatest disaster that can happen to any nation. What else can we talk about this regime, who has this regular trade mark of destruction of life and property, leaving sorrow and tears?

Another facet of our national life thinking that the rhythm will change not knowing that we only moving from hot water into fry pan. They are marred with high level of corruption, nepotism, injustices, destruction of life and properties and what have you.

Listen to one of the argument of the first Prime Minister Mwl. Nyerere in 1960 “I am confident that when we have our own citizenship, our national anthem, our own national flag, we shall find the flame of national unity burning bright and strong”. The first question I asked was that what went wrong, where was the commitment to follow exactly what he said?

One of the greatest tragedies of our nation is that we spend enormous national and personal resources focusing largely on insignificant and unbeneficial objectives; it is like using a baseball bat to kill an ant. That baseball bat could do far more than just killing one ant, it could hit a homerun.

At this critical and defining moment of our country, when we are celebrating 56th year of our journey to nationhood and independence from our slave and colonial master, there is joy in me and also I am sad, why? Because of where we are coming from, where we pathetically are now the hope for the future that is not naturally bright. Unfortunately, Tanzania at 56 was taken captive by conspiracy of deception, oppression, corruption, bad leadership and injustice. We need liberation, freedom and independence of thought, action and reasons.

On the political plane, it is the elites; the leaders who should be the custodian of the nationhood had polluted the polity. It is a sorry case that we as a nation who was the envy of the world 50+ years ago are at this mess today. Where Tanzania was in the past and where we unfortunately are now is a serious mess, the way we are going now is not the way the founding fathers designed our future. Life of an average man is going down the drain everyday

A lot of questions are fighting for expression inside of me, are we really or truly free, has anything changed over the past 56 years of independence? Tanzania is yet to create his own variant of democracy informed by our own norms, culture, systems of belief, values etc. It is not my joy to start exposing the problems of Tanzania and expose the inadequacy of the past and present leaders, frankly all the leaders Tanzania produced in the last 56 years had done a great avouch to this nation with the exception of few. But I believe in solving a problem, we must agree on the causes of our problems. More often than not, the problem of Tanzania development process is usually reduced to that of leadership.

There is high level of poverty in this country, lack of the basic facilities of life, poverty of independent thought and actions, poverty of vision and direction among our leaders, we appear not to know who we are, what we are worth and where we wish to go from here. The literacy statistics shows that we have high level of illiterates now than we had in 1960 because the Tanzanian government had done a great disservice to this country by progressively uneducated Tanzanian children. Our nation is oscillating between the good and even the ugly. It is a totally tragedy of any nation who think he has a future. Today the minimum wage in Tanzania is nothing to write about, the questions I keep on asking people is still the same, show me any one who can successfully live with this minimum wage without stealing, begging for more or borrowing at the expense of his own future economy?

The frequent political changes have brought inconsistency to our education policies. Some regime administration had done evil to education by allowing perpetual closure of our curriculum and voting a very small percentage of the national annual budget to education. Our academic certificate does not attract any value in the international community. There is an urgent need for a stable education policy, a responsible generation like ours must make sacrifice for their future.

Tanzania at 56, what are we celebrating, erratic power supply from TANESCO, because of erratic and inadequate power supply many companies that have sprung up in the last years had folded up again. Last government campaigned for poverty alleviation but all through the current administration more hardship is inflicted on the society by arbitrary increase. What else can we talk about abuse of political demonstration by all government till now, disobedience to rule of law and court order, bitterness, maiming and hatred shown by government to all his political opponents, to be frank can nation survive with all these?

Concerning all the past administrations my prayer is that God will not let us have people like them anymore because any abnormalities we notice today was engineered through them. They had done evil and great avouch to this nation than good you can talk of, they are all epitome of lawlessness and backwardness. Many things are wrong in our political terrain that does not warrant any celebration but yet we have to thank God for the journey so far, God has been kind gracious to us as a nation. God has endowed Tanzania with reasonable fertile, cultivable soil and natural resources that make us the envy of other nations.

In 56 year of existence what can we do to improve our lot as individual and as a nation? We need a very strong national philosophy (Philosophy that will guide every citizen like America, all of them are guided, propelled by their national philosophy), national orientation (This is very important because Tanzanians have been conditioned to certain lifestyle like corruption, nepotism, cheating, etc that needs change) and direction.

We all need discipline, probity, integrity, hard work, accountability and righteousness to build a new nation. Hard work does not kill; it is laziness that kills the mind and the body. Hard work is the essential to the building of a solid foundation for self, family and country. Hard work is a cure for fraud, cheating, examination leakages, certificate rackets, secret cults and failure in life. Discipline encompasses modesty, thoughtfulness, community living, punctuality, duty, leadership and followership, obedience, cooperation and discussion. We all need a self control.

Let us all be honest in accounting for actions and activities. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach. Where are you? And what are you doing? If you say because others do it you will follow others to do evil? You are a jellyfish then. Avoid immoral shortcuts to achieve goals. Avoid cheating in class, in home, in election and examinations. Then you will grow up to be a trusted, trust-worthy and reliable individual at home, at work, school and within the community. You will grow up to be respected person.

Money cannot buy everything. Resist the urge to join people in praising corrupt people and more importantly resist the temptation of following them. If all of us can start doing all this little thing there will be change in our society and it is this change people from the society that will later emerge has our leaders in all sphere of government. It is not too late for Tanzania to reverse the ill of the past.

Tanzania 56 years adventure into nationhood has been witnessed with a lot of ups and down, good and tragic occurrences. The aspiration of our founding fathers has been left unattended to and the labour of our heroes past was allowed to waste away. Tanzania, the irony of a young lady raped by a gang of hoodlums and she does not enjoy the sexual desire of the gang. A nation blessed by God and endowed with all the good things of life, the bright hope of many Africa nations but today the state of our nation is a sorry and pitiable state. Tanzania, my fatherland is seriously raped by vagabond in power that see Tanzania as their conquered territory, what can we do to this peaceful people who is helplessly in pain now and bleeding? The survival of this wombling peace is in the hand of its citizens who stand to face oppression face to face and challenge the vagabond in power to stop this exploitation. The survival of Tanzania can only come when all its citizens are ready to pay the price of freedom and liberty. Time does not change any nation it is decision that change nations.

Time will not change this nation, time will only expose our weakness and failure, therefore we need to rise up and do something critical strategic today before it is too later. To avoid this imminent disaster coming we must all rise and call for change. We must all come out persuade good and credible individuals to contest in our elections. We (people) must come out to vote, protect our vote and ensure our vote count so as have a new dawn in Tanzania. The survival and destiny of this our nation lies in the hands of every one of us and we must fall in our responsibility.

All Tanzanians are expected to be a activist in our own way, pursuing actions to a logical conclusion towards; good governance, exposing what is wrong, industrial commitments, crying against instances of injustice, teaching/ educating the people to be self-sufficient, re-orientate the mind positively, working behind the scenes to promote enhanced political leadership, promoting Political/Human Rights activism and using the media to propagate meaning leadership.

JPM Supporters: I have words for you

Dear readers, in a nutshell, patriotism simply means loyalty to your country as a whole, not your president as an individual, president of your country deserve your support ONLY to an extent to which he is doing only the things that are in the best interest of your country. The moment he starts working against the interest of your country, you owe it to yourself, your country and your fellow citizens as both moral and legal duty to withdraw every form of support for such a president and start treating him as the number one enemy of your country because that is exactly what he has become.

Placing the interest of your president over and above that of your country is anything but patriotism. Your country is bigger than your President who is nothing but your employee elected to serve you for a fixed period of time after which he will vacate the office. Supporting your president and urging him on even when it is beyond argument that he is progressing in error IS NOT patriotism. It is nothing short of mindless sycophancy.

Choosing your president over your country and supporting him in RUINING your country is tantamount to treason. It becomes worse when your much touted love for this president was borne out of illicit gains your association with him is gifting you with. It’s even worst when you, a private citizen, collect payment from the government or its representatives through the backdoor just so you would churn out satanic lies and demonic propaganda in support of the government, thereby riding roughshod over the pains, wars and woes of your fellow citizens inflicted upon them by the same government.

No sane citizen of a free nation should ever confuse blind loyalty to his president or any other government official, elected or appointed, as patriotism. Blind loyalty is no loyalty. It is as criminally deceitful as the peace of the grave yard which is no peace at all.

If a conflict arises between the personal interest of your president and that of your country, there can be no argument that every citizen with even the tiniest strand of grey matter upstairs should consider the interest of his country paramount and even sacrifice the President if need be, in order to save his country. This, right here, is the right and sensible thing to do because while you can easily replace your President, you cannot replace your country.

A man who spend most of his time looking for errors in the way and manner his government pilots the affairs of his country IS NOT an enemy of his country. He is the most patriotic of them all, his intention notwithstanding, because in a government presided over by men whose brains were not located in their poo-poo hole, the fault-finding mission of such a man will almost always keep the government on its toes, thereby bringing out the very best in them to the benefit of the entire country.

When a man spend most of his time supporting EVERY action of his government and doing hashtag of supporting president every now and then including when this president of his is clearly hurting the entire country, such a man/woman is a certified enemy of his/her country and the people there-in. He/she is no patriot. Matter of fact, mentioning the term “Patriot” and the name of this blind supporter of the president in the same sentence amounts to subjecting patriotism to mockery.

As a citizen, you don’t need to stand with your president or any of your elected representatives. The only time it is okay to stand, sit, jump, run, crawl, walk or even fly with your President, Member of Parliaments or any other representatives is when they are contesting election because then, they are candidates soliciting for votes from you. But the moment they get elected to serve you, they stop being your candidate and start being your employees who should be closely monitored and held to their campaign promises.

Your government is the people you employ to use the instrumentalities of state and your resources (not theirs) to protect your lives and properties and provide basic services for you. Your president is as much your employee as your personal driver, cooker, gardener, etc.

By casting your vote for your president, you have already gifted him with enormous power to make or mar your collective destiny as a people. He has the entire armed forces at his beck and call. He is comfortable beyond words. The notion that an employee who has been so empowered still needs you, his employer who live a life very distanced from the comfort he enjoys, to stand with him before he could do the same job for which he is receiving outrageous salaries and allowances, is a very silly notion. Idiotic, even! You certainly don’t need a certain Abdul to break this down for you, do you?

No president, no matter how powerful, should be considered greater or more important than a whole country.

Nothing kills a government faster than surrounding itself with a very large horde of unthinking political idiots and ‘arseholeric’ leeches far drunk in the highly poisonous wine of bottom-less sycophancy laced with blind partisanship.

There is no task more tedious than rescuing a country where the number of sycophants far outweighs the number of patriots.

Regardless of your political affiliation, as long as you are a Tanzanian or you have any stake in this country, you owe it to both men and God to rise up and contribute your quota towards rescuing this country from the firm grip of these dark hearted men who have hijacked it and are currently playing Russian Roulette with the destiny of 50+ million of us using the name of JPM who it has been proven beyond doubt, he his performing in errors.

Tanzanians need change right from the highest to the lowest, the richest down the poorest, the wisest through the foolish ones, and the able and the disables. The change is yet to come.


My dear readers, I would never dare to bias you with my writings! I am being totally straight when asking government to lead us in our matters concerning our future. Nothing will change without the promptings of civil society. Those politicians differing of parties are only interested in getting as much of the national cake for themselves; they have no interest in alleviating our plight and poverty.


What was the vision of our founding father on our resources after independence? How far have their vision been implemented by the government from our independence until today on celebrating 56 years?

In the 21st Century we are politically in the middle of the 16th Century, there is no equality of political fights. We have a political party’s law, which the President has delighted to sing for in banning multilateral meetings. If he believes he runs things in the law, justice and order, why fears the opponents? Our 56-year independence celebration is still logical if we are still in contact with the representatives.Who to blame for corruption?The Founding Father hated corruption and claimed it as an enemy of our development, is it true when we say we fight corruption in this fifth phase government with a great effort to express the commitment, we cannot believe in their words if President’s assistants appear in the Arusha councilors scandal and opposition politicians/leaders but the President seems to enjoy the registration of opposition politicians/leaders? It is few Tanzanians who can have faith on anti-corruption campaigns by the rulers.I agree with assertion that it has been difficult to win corruption war because Tanzanians tend to reward corrupt practice. In our clime, corruption becomes the order of the day because government of Tanzania encourages it, support it, champion it, promote it and reward it. Most of the men and women caught in a big mess of corruption in Tanzania are government officials, high profile politician, aides and associates of Mr. President and to our surprise the same Government gave most of them national honour and nothing happens to these men, instead of Government prosecuting and convict them Mr. President cannot explain it away. Corruption cannot expose corruption and a corrupt president and government can’t fight corruption. No wonder corruption is the order of the day in Tanzania and now graduated to high degree of impunity. Government is to be blamed for corruption in Tanzania for not addressing it, tackle it and prosecute it when it should be, anti corruption war without casualty is nothing but exercise in futility, when leadership give direction and show the way to go, naturally the followers will line up, we are still battling with corruption because Government did nothing to stop and reduce it with corruption and corrupt men waxing strong everyday in Tanzania. There is no better time in the history of our nation to cause change to happen and recreate the fortune and future of our country than now.

Long live all true patriots of this great country of ours. May God and Allah through his bountiful mercies bless us all.

Happy Peaceful National Independence Day.

Abdul Noor


Posted: October 3, 2017 in Uncategorized

This is NOT another memo to scurry over. Any entity that repeats the same mistakes for years is NOT thoughtful.

The culture that refuses to advance beyond carrying its load on its HEAD, when its contemporaries are carrying theirs with WHEELBARROWS, and some are even carrying their own with CARS, has no one to blame for its backaches than itself. The culture whose rulers fail to evolve beyond the plundering of public funds, at an era some cultures are colonizing far-flung heavenly bodies and adorning the intergalactic expanses with their belief, has no culture to blame than its own.

No individuals are more foolish in this century, than those who sustain corrupt officials because of regional, religious, and political affinities. No persons are more unwise in this epoch, than the citizens who object to the apprehension, adjudication, and incarceration of politicians, because they are related to the scoundrels.

TO THE ORDINARY TANZANIAN, I say that posterity won’t forgive you, for backing a corrupt official, because of the bribe you receive for mortgaging your children’s future. The bribe you receive could fill your stomach today, but you are inadvertently agreeing that your children would become slaves to the corrupt official’s children tomorrow. TO THE CORRUPT TANZANIAN, I say that your NEMESES are at an arm’s length. You are contented now, but the army of badly-educated, unemployable, and treacherous armed robbers created by your corrupt approach are waiting for your learned, urbane, and educated children to return home. A people, they say, beget the leaders they choose; irrational followership begets corrupt leadership. It is time to elevate Tanzania and relegate the nation wreckers.

There are always two sides to a divide. It’s either you’re THE BEST or THE WORST. Whichever you’re stand firm on it. Tanzania can be better.

God bless Tanzania

Twitter: @noor_abdul